“Ninguna fou tan amada”: la poesia amorosa de Francesc Fontanella a Gileta
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Francesc Fontanella wrote 77 love poems dedicated to Gileta, the pseudonym used for Maria Teresa Ham, and these are generally grouped together under the title giletes. They make up the part of the writer’s work that has had the widest reach in the manuscript tradition, and three of these important manuscripts even have their own cover.
The giletes, which was the part of Fontanella’s poetry that was most popularly received throughout the eighteenth century, includes sonnets, liras and ten-verse poems, although the short romances predominate. The giletes have common characteristics: they are written in the first person and appeal directly to Gileta herself who usually appears in the first verse. There are a large number of diminutives, especially with words related to the eyes and the heart, and in many instances there are contrasts between light and darkness depending on whether or not Gileta is present. Whether or not Gileta is present also determines the appearance of the landscape, particularly if it is Rosselló, Gileta’s birthplace, which is depicted as sad when she is not there, because it is in harmony with her
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