Apunts per a una biografia de Joaquím Pujol i Santo: militar, funcionari, hisendat i col·leccionista d'antiguitats
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Joaquín Pujol y Santo was a prominent
member of the elite of Girona on the central
decades of the 19th century. He knew how
to take advantage of the opportunities
that the new liberal society offered to the
middle class to advance and to get rich
whit the collaboration of the emerging
liberal State. He accumulated a significant
agricultural heritage, from the expropiated
church goods, and held important public
positions as the interim Mayor of Girona.
At the same time, it should be noted that in
order to achieve these goals he made a very
intelligent use of his hobby as collectors
of antiques. With them he established
contacts with leading figures like Víctor
Balaguer and made social progress
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