Anàlisi volumètrica dels estadis de desenvolupament oocitari en Molva macrophthalma i M. dypterygia

Ferrer Morell, Júlia
 The present study analyses the oocyte volumetric response to the different stages of development in Molva macrophthalma, a cold water species found in the north-western of the Mediterranean Sea. The same research has also been conducted in a phylogenetically very close species, Molva dypterygia, which is distributed in the northeast of the Atlantic Ocean and part of the Arctic Ocean, in order to compare them. The methodology used is based on the analysis of images and, more specifically, on the "Ovarian Packing Density" or OPD. Which, according to the Delesse Principle, that states that the fractional volume of the oocytes is proportional to its fractional cross-sectional area and the calculation of its diameter, allows to determine the number of oocytes per gram of ovary ​
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