Pedro Vilar, Claudi Perret, Gaspar Bruel i el rerecor de la catedral de Barcelona

History of the retrochoir of Barcelona cathedral, after the phase under the sculptor Bartolomé Ordóñez's direction. Analysis of the ephemeral resuming of the work leaded by the aragonese sculptor Pedro Vilar from 1562 to 1564, and of the final erection process, sponsored by the bishop Lluís de Sanç and carried forward by the burgundian sculptor Claudi Perret and the architect from Tortosa Gaspar Bruel, between 1615 and 1621. This article focusses specially on the study of the original desing of the present assembly, and the relation of this construction with Bartolomé Ordóñez lost dessigns, and with carved materials by Bartolomé Ordóñez and Pedro Vilar during the sixteenth century ​
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