Derechos y democracia en el constitucionalismo contemporáneo. ¿Una tensión armonizable?

The present dissertation analyzes some of the internal tensions in our current constitutional democracies. I start from the consideration of the characteristics that currently define our constitutional realities. I attempt to account about the means we have to guarantee and satisfy the purposes and values of constitutionalism as a political project. Namely, the written and rigid form of our Constitutions and the judicial review, and the tension that prima facie they have with the ideal of collective or democratic self-government. In the same way, I argue how we can overcome this tension through the express adherence to the postulates that justify the rigid contemporary constitutionalism, I mean, towards a model of strong constitutionalism. Besides, I try to show how from an adequate perspective these same postulates should be understood as a necessary means to make sense of any authentically democratic form of government. ​
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