Joana Colom, entre la pedagogia i la política: vida d'una mestre en la República, la Guerra Civil i l'Exili
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The aim of the following communication is to exhibit the vital trajectory
of Joana Colom Llach (1899 – 1997 ), a teacher from the Empordà (Girona)
who stands out for having put into practice advanced pedagogical ideas and for
her connection with Communist ideology. Colom worked as a teacher in Maials
(Lleida) between 1924 and 1927, in Ràfol de Salem (València) between 1927
and 1931, and in the Patronat Escolar de Barcelona between 1931 and 1939.
In February 1939, when her husband Hilari Arlandis, founder and director of
the political commissars school in Sant Cugat del Vallès, died in a bombing
in Figueres, she was exiled fi rst to France and immediately after to the Soviet
Union, where she taught Spanish refugees until 1947, when she was able to
return to Paris. Two years later, in 1949, she settled and lived, until the fi nal days
of her life, in Pau (Bearn), where she worked as a Spanish teacher in the Teacher
Training College. Joana Colom’s biography has been based mainly on memories
recorded by herself in the mid 70s, and on two interviews with her daughter
Vera, currently living in Pau
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