Allò que no es veu en una fotografia: entre Tacita Dean i W.G. Sebald = What is not seen in a photograph: between Tacita Dean and W.G. Sebald

Text Complet
This text addresses the relationship between image, narrative and archive in a selection of works by the British artist Tacita Dean (1965), focusing on those of her pieces that can be more easily related to the literature of the German writer W.G. Sebald (1944-2001). In these works, the artist explores issues such as the construction of individual and collective memory, the use of found images versus newly created images, the relationship between documentary reality and creative fiction, and the importance of the material medium in the creation of an artwork. Likewise, she questions modernist praise of the grid as a formal element that cancels out any narrative notion, and suggests a new relationship between narrative texts and visual images from an original and fruitful point of view. This relationship can also be found in the work of the German writer, whose literature has been a constant and rewarding point of reference for Dean. The article analyses these issues to conclude that they can both be considered archival artists, one of the most productive trends in the artistic contemporary practices of the last two decades, and that their works make an important contribution to the resignification of images in an era of visual saturation and banality ​
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