Anàlisi de la flora de jardins privats del litoral de l’Alt Empordà = Analysis of the flora of private gardens on the coast of the Alt Empordà

The recent growth of low-density urban developments in the Mediterranean region has led to an increase in the number of private domestic gardens. These gardens host high levels of plant biodiversity and may act as a source of dispersion of potential invaders. This study analyzed the flora of 258 domestic gardens in the urban seafront of the Alt Empordà (Catalonia, Spain). A total of 635 taxa were identified of which 68% were exotic. More than half of the taxa were either trees or shrubs (62%), with a predominance of ornamental plants (82%). Thirty cultivated taxa (5%) are considered as invaders in Spain and 14 have not been cited within the limits of the Natural Park of Aiguamolls de l’Empordà ​
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