Estudi de les comunitats neolítiques de l’Horitzó dels Sepulcres de Fossa (nord-est de la península Ibèrica, c. 4.000-3.400 cal ANE) a partir de les anàlisis tecno-funcionals dels artefactes polits i bisellats

Masclans Latorre, Alba
The present dissertation generates a new data corpus which makes it possible to resize and widen the current interpretative framework about the communities living in the North-East of the Iberian Peninsula around the turn of the fifth and fourth millennia Before Christ. The empirical foundation of this research is the analysis of polished and bevelled stone artefacts, found both in funerary and domestic contexts. In order to accomplish the goals of this research, it has been necessary to expand the use-wear analysis methodology and adapt it to the study of the kind of stones that are examined here through the development of extensive an experimental programme. The new data provides fresh insight into the raw material management, the technical choices and the productive processes in which the tools were employed by the studied Neolithic communities. The results of our research help us to understand and explain the documented variability from a sociological point of view ​
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