Influència de camps elèctrics sobre complexes amb enllaços d’hidrogen: una font de mutacions en el DNA
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Nowadays, a lot of people is wondering if electromagnetic fields can have a negative
effect on the health of living beings. This approach is given by Löwdin's theory, which postulates
that one of the main reasons for the appearance of mutations is the change in the tautomeric
forms of the nitrogenous bases that encode the DNA.
In this study, we investigate the effects of electric fields on hydrogen bonds. To carry it
out, it has been used the UdG’s cluster that has Gaussian09 installed. This program performs
calculations and approximations of what happens to hydrogen bonds when electric fields are
applied. Chemcraft has also been used, which allows you to modify the coordinates and measure
distances, among others.
First of all, it has been observed that when applying a medium intensity electric field, 30
(x10-4) ua, to the formamide-formamide dimer, the only effect that they cause on these bonds is
the shortening or elongation of the Hydrogen bond. This distance varies depending on the angle
of application of the electric field. On the other hand, the highest intensity electric fields, in this
case 80 (x10-4) ua, cause a double transfer of protons, appearing tautomeric forms of the
mentioned complex.
Once observed the effects caused by these electric fields on the FAFA dimer, it has been
studied the effect in the pairs of nitrogen bases; Adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine. In these
two cases, tautomeric forms have not been found spontaneously, but have been observed that
they help to shift the tautomeric balance slightly. So in the adenine-thymine, as in the guaninecytosine,
the tautomeric forms are found more easily, when electric fields are oriented parallel to
the hydrogen bonds. The only difference is that in the case of adenine-thymine, the best angle is
that of 0º, and that of guanine-cytosine is 180º.
After having made these observations, it has been concluded that the electric fields of
medium and high intensity may be a cause for the appearance of mutations. However, the
electromagnetic fields that surround us daily, are not powerful enough to be dangerous for the
living beings health