Pla de cures infermer a la persona amb síndrome de Guillain Barré: un repte assistencial després de l'alta
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The Guillain Barré Syndrome (GBS) is a neuropathology that has a huge impact in the basic needs of the individual due to the damage that the peripheral nerves suffer which leads to, as a hallmark, an intensive muscular debility. Thus, after a period of intensive and continued care during the hospitalisation process of these patients, is necessary the monitoring of these care to guarantee a complete recovery and avoid complications.
Objectives: To develop a discharge Care Nursing Program for people suffering from Guillain Barré syndrome to ensure the continuity of care .
Methods: It has been done a literature review (Cochrane, Pubmed, Scielo) of nursing care attention for people affected with GBS, a part of reviewing the current treatment of this disease. It has been also used the NNNConsult base and specialized care plans to describe NANDA diagnoses, NOC outcomes and NIC interventions. To elaborate the care plan description has been discussed the mainly deteriorated needs of these patients, considering epidemiological data.
Results: In the first part are described the alterations of each 14 need defined by Virginia Henderson, of a patient with GBS admitted at the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), in order to produce a care home programme involving the continuity of care. In the second part, the alterations found at the ICU have been examined and discerned between the needs which have been previously resolved and the ones that persist after the discharge, as the need of moving, breathing, eating and eliminating. Finally, some diagnoses, NOCS and NICS, have been formulated, following NANDA taxonomy, with scientific evidence available. Some diagnoses have been underlined, as swallowing and physical mobility alteration, risk of aspiration and constipation and lack of knowledge, fear and anxiety. Respectively, interventions with strong evidence have been related, such as swallowing therapy, encouraging exercise, aspiration precautions, management of constipation, health education, enhancing security and decreasing anxiety.
Conclusions: Continuous support has been considered essential because these patients require multidisciplinary monitoring home attention to ensure an appropriate recovery of all the deteriorate needs and a quality life improvement. The nursery importance is crucial in both, coordination and physical and psychosocial management of this disease in the extrahospitalary field, in a continued way