Disseny d'una aplicació informàtica educativa per a infants amb diabetis mellitus tipus 1
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Background: Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) is a metabolic disorder characterized by the autoimmune destruction of pancreatic β cells. This will lead to the total or partial insulin dependence. Its treatment combines the nutritional therapy, physical activity, metabolic monitoring and subcutaneous insulin administration. Health education is the key to unify all this aspects and to manage correctly T1DM. Also it helps to prevent acute and chronic complications.
Information Technologies (ITs) related initiatives have demonstrated that they’re effective reducing HbA1C levels and admission rates in Urgency Services. They also improve patient communication and satisfaction and, train children and parents to self-care skills.
Objective: To design a health education resource that uses ITs addressed to seven to twelve years old population with T1DM and its agents of socialization.
Methodology: To carry out this project, during the 2015-2016 academic year, an exhaustive bibliographic revision, various interviews and existing educational resources for T1DM patients consultation have been done. Then, data sheets and bursts have been written and drawn. The last step has been the realization of the application models using Creative Cloud (CC) programs by Adobe.
Results: The outcomes of this project are 29 models, 24 data sheets and 10 bursts as an example of what could become the work proposed.
Conclusion: The designed recourse is posed as a complement of Health Education started in Hospital Diabetes Units. However, it cannot be used immediately because it’s pending of completion.
The project provides easy and graphic information through an IT application. This application is addressed to children with T1DM and its purpose is to foment the acquisition of self-care skills, improving this way their autonomy. It also pretends to be helpful to parents and teachers at school