Influència d'un programa de prevenció secundària del suïcidi en persones joves: projecte de recerca

Parals Bonay, Clara
Introduction: Suicide is a public health issue which entails an avoidable huge quantity of lost lives, as well as an excessive amount of cases with physical and psychological impacts on affected people. Nowadays around one million of people suicide every year and it is the second leading cause of premature death among young population in the world. Suicidal thoughts and behaviours differ depending on social, biological, cultural and psychological aspects. Even though the highest suicide rate occurs among the adults, it has dramatically increased among the young population. Indeed, approximately 12% of them have attempted suicide during their lives. Regarding this tragic health issue, suicide prevention has been considered as a way to face this problem. However, this approach is complex because there’s a general lack of sensitivity of how important this public health problem is. Objectives: The first one is to determine the effectiveness of the Suicide Code Risk program in a population between 15 and 25 years old that is compared with the control group. The second goal is to identify the suicide risk factors in young people who have attempted to self harm. Methodology: Two methodologies are to be followed: quasi-experimental analytical studies and cases and controls. The control group is from Valencia, while the other one is from Girona, and in each of them there are 20 people between 15 and 25 years old who have had suicidal behaviours during the three months before starting the study. Socio-demographical and clinical characteristics, suicidal ideation and hopelessness levels will be analysed of those people. A secondary prevention program of suicide will be applied to the intervention group and then its effectiveness is to be compared to the control group ​
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