L'atenció de les cures pal·liatives en el servei d'urgències: revisió bibliogràfica

Martos Losada, Caterina
Introduction: The greater longevity of the population, the greater prevalence of chronic diseases with its complexity and lack of health support for other cuases, has caused an increase in demand for care with involvement from all levels of care. Particular attention in emergency departments by palliative patients. All this contributes to the emergence of a new need, to acquire knowledge about the measures required for this type of patient. Objective: To know if the emergency department is an appropriate place to treat people who require palliative care. Methods: It has been done a literature review of the last 10 years ScienceDirect databases, PubMed and Dialnet. Results: It has been found 246 articles, of which analysing the titles, abstracts, content and applying the inclusion and exclusion criteria 9 of these have been selected to perform the literature review. Conclusions: The emergency department is not the right place to treat palliative patients, nor do the health professionals have sufficient training to provide quality palliative care. The best action to be taken, for a palliative patient, who goes to the emergency departments, is to refer the patient to a specific unit for palliative care ​
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