TJUE – Sentencia de 22.06.2010 (Gran Sala), Aziz Melki y Sélim Abdeli, C-188/10 y C-189/10 – "Artículo 67 TFUE – Libre circulación de personas – Supresión de controles en las fronteras interiores – Normativa nacional que autoriza controles de identidad a 20 kilómetros de la frontera"
Full Text
In this Judgement the Court deals, on one hand, with the relationship
between jurisdictions, and on the other hand, whether the police identity checks, carried
out in areas near internal borders, are in keeping with Schengen Borders Code. The Court
proceeds to point out, in a casuistry way, the elements which permit to distinguish a
border control over a police check and prevents this last one from having an equivalent
effect. The Court specifies the cases in which admits controls limiting the discretion of
the States and, with that, it widens the scope of the freedom of movement