El trabajo emocional en el sector turístico. Obstáculos y facilitadores empresariales y su consecuencia para los trabajadores
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The general objective of this thesis is to analyze if there is emotional labor in the tourism sector, as well as to study its possible causes and consequences. This general aim is concretized in three specific aims that mark the development of the researches carried out. In the first place, to verify if the employees of the tourist sector who work directly with the client are more subjected to emotional work than those who do not. Also, to verify if the emotional labor in the professionals of the tourist sector always leads to situations of burnout or it is possible that there are situations of engagement. And finally check if the type of emotional regulation used and internal training facilitate engagement situations. Second, specifically analyze the hospitality sector and verify if the type of client affects the engagement or burnout derived from emotional work in this sector. And third, to study if the relationship between professional and client affects burnout derived from emotional labor, comparing employees in the tourism sector, where the relationship with the client imposes the need to show positive emotions, with employees in the audit sector, where the relationship with the client imposes not showing emotions or showing neutral emotions. The results obtained, from a sample of 311 professionals, show that there is a positive relationship between emotional work and professionals in the tourism sector if they are related "face to face" with the client, generally having a tendency towards engagement rather than burnout. These also show that employees who use spontaneous emotional regulation or deep acting and those who receive specific training are less exposed to burnout. In the case of the hotel sector, the professionals of the hotels of "sun and beach” are more likely to suffer burnout, although in the two types of hotel the tendency of the professionals is towards the engagement. And finally, it is found that professionals in the audit sector, in general, suffer more from burnout than professionals in the tourism sector
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