Nacionalitat catalana i/o nacionalitat espanyola. I l’europea?
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This article aims to contribute to the issue raised with respect to the European
citizenship for the new national Catalans on the assumption that Catalonia becomes a new
state. Several questions arise: Does the acquisition of a new nationality imply the loss of the
European citizenship? Are there any vested rights? In case these rights are lost, since when?
In order to address these questions, we will analyse the link between European citizenship
and nationality, as well as the consequences on citizenship if Catalonia secedes from Spain.
This study will take into account the jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European
Union defending its competence to ensure compliance with European citizenship according
to EU law. Two additional questions follow from this analysis: firstly the obligation to
negotiate in case of secession, and secondly the possibility that the European citizenship has
gone a step further evolving to a new concept. The result of the referendum in the UK adds
a new scenario which is also contemplated