Opinar de política en la prensa escrita española: análisis del período Elecciones Generales en España, 2015 = Political opinion in the Spanish newspapers: analysis of the period General Elections campaign in Spain, 2015
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This article is part of the results obtained by the author during his doctorate research entitled “Opinar de política, mediatizar democracias. El storytelling de la opinión política en los medios de comunicación españoles y los nuevos escenarios transmediáticos para la acción social”. Methodology. This research it‟s an original approach about the construction of public opinion by the leading newspapers in the Spanish General Elections of 2015 context and based on the quantitative analysis and methodologies of content analysis about the opinion articles. Results and conclusions. With this analysis it‟s possible to map the representation of the thought on politics expressed by the opinion makers. The analysis of this published opinion about politics has allowed us to form an image about those actors who have participated as opinion makers, the topics that have been dealt with, the form and context and the way they have been presented and, in sum, the scenario proposed by the written press‟ opinion in the public debate involving the electoral political context