Employing Microbial Electrochemical Technology-driven electro-Fenton oxidation for the removal of recalcitrant organics from sanitary landfill leachate

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The feasibility of employing Microbial Electrochemical Technology (MET)-driven electro-Fenton oxidation was evaluated as a post-treatment of an anammox system treating sanitary landfill leachate. Two different MET configuration systems were operated using effluent from partial nitrification-anammox reactor treating mature leachate. In spite of the low organic matter biodegradability of the anammox's effluent (2401 ± 562 mg COD L −1 ; 237 ± 57 mg BOD 5 L −1 ), the technology was capable to reach COD removal rates of 1077–1244 mg L −1 d −1 with concomitant renewable electricity production (43.5 ± 2.1 Am −3 N CC ). The operation in continuous mode versus batch mode reinforced the removal capacity of the technology. The recirculation of acidic catholyte into anode chamber hindered the anodic efficiency due to pH stress on anodic electricigens. The obtained results demonstrated that the integrated system is a potentially applicable process to deal with bio-recalcitrant compounds present in mature landfill leachate ​
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