Estudi dels patrons de colonització postincendi en vertebrats al llarg de gradients ambientals i espacials

Wildfires are natural perturbations that affect the structure of the landscape and biodiversity. In the Mediterranean basin, wildfires occur especially in hot seasons. However, in recent years the number of fires with the size of them has been increasing, associated with human intervention. In this thesis, I analyse how the gradient of regional aridity in Catalonia affects the recovery of vegetation, the richness of bird species and shrubland warbler abundance. The relative role of two hypotheses on the abundance of rodents in the first moments after a wildfire is evaluated. These opposite hypotheses make reference to the ability of rodents to resist the fire into refuges or, on the other hand, to colonize burnt areas from the unburnt area. Finally, I study how the postfire and the management of burnt wood can affect the recolonization of rodents ​
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