High-valent iron complexes supported with tetradentate and pentadentate ligands based on the triazacyclononane scaffold
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In this work we have prepared octahedral non - heme iron species in high oxidation states. Iron (IV) - oxo and iron (IV) - imido complexes based on triazacyclononane scaffold had been synthesised and all of them had been spectroscopicaly characterised. We studied the reactivity of the oxo complexes in the oxygen atom transfer to sulfur atoms and in the abstraction of hydrogen from alkylbenzene substrates; in the case of imido complexes the transfer of imido group to sulfur atoms was studied. Moreover we studied the photolysis of iron - azide octahedral complexes to obtain high - valent iron - nitrido species. Following this procedure we achieved the synthesis of an iron (V) - nitrene species with a very high purity. We also achieved the functionalisation of C(sp2) - H bonds of arenes through diazoacetates decomposition using non - heme iron and manganese catalysts for the first time. We proposed this reaction to occur through a postulated iron - carbene species, that we failed to isolate. Despite this fact we achieved remarkable results in this reactions
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