Estudi dels canvis promoguts per la cirurgia bariàtrica a nivell d'expressió gènica del teixit adipós subcutani i la relació amb la sensibilitat a la insulina

Xifra Vilarroya, Gemma
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INTRODUCTION: Bariatric surgery (CB) is the only treatment option that has proved capable of solving the DM2. In addition to the impact on weight and comorbidities, the CB has shown a great impact on adipose tissue. THEORY: The CB modifies gene expression of subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT) and helps explain changes in insulin sensitivity. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate changes in gene expression SAT after weight loss promoted by the CB and the association with clinical variables that change after the CB. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: To evaluate changes in gene expression SAT promoted by the CB, a cohort study comprised 25 women morbidly obese, bariatric surgery operated by gastric bypass (Cohort 1). The associations found are explored in a cohort of 25 women matched by age (Cohort 2) and in a cohort of patients (n = 132) men and women, obese and non-obese (Cohort 3). RESULTS: Statistically significant changes observed in the expression of 5,018 transcripts explored the 49,852 level SAT. A decrease in the expression of genes related to pro-inflammatory and iron metabolism and an increase in the expression of genes involved in lipogènics and insulin sensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: Weight loss promoted by CB drastically modifies gene expression in SAT, inducing the transition to a less dysfunctional adipose tissue and metabolically favorable ​
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