Freezability markers for boar sperm: new proteomic approaches
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Sperm cryopreservation is currently the most suitable technique to store boar sperm samples for a long period of time. However, not all boar ejaculations present the same freezability, this allows the classification of boars and their ejaculations into good (GFE) and poor (PFE) freezability boars/ejaculates. In this context, the present Thesis aims to gain new insights into the evaluation and prediction of sperm freezability, thereby preventing PFE cryopreservation. Through Western blot it was determined whether small heat shock protein 10 (ODF1/HSPB10) and voltage-dependent anion channel 2 (VDAC2) were reliable freezability markers. Furthermore the sperm and seminal plasma proteome of GFE and PFE were compared through two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE), seeking potential markers for boar sperm freezability. The main conclusion of this Dissertation is that VDAC2, ACRBP and TPI in fresh sperm and FN1 in fresh seminal plasma may be used to predict the sperm resilience to withstand cryopreservation procedures
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