Functional genomics of the periderm: the biosynthetic gene FHT, the transcriptional regulator StRiK and the transcriptome deciphering
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We have developed new molecular tools to characterize the FHT and StRIK genes in the tuber periderm. Regarding FHT gene, our results demonstrated that is induced very specifically in suberizing tissues what makes FHT a good marker of the suberization process. Regarding StRIK gene, it has been shown to be a good candidate for the periderm regulation since its silencing causes changes in genes expression related to the transposition of DNA, RNA processing and stress. Finally, by RNA-seq we have identified a wide range of new candidate genes for the formation of the cork oak periderm. Among these genes several are related to the formation of the cell wall, cell primary metabolism and suberin accumulation. Other relevant genes are those involved in the regulation of meristem such as auxin transporters and the ethylene metabolism and signaling. The expression patterns of some genes have been studied during the cork growing season.
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