L'architettura: dalla società dello spettacolo all'era delle reti. L'arquitectura: de la societat de l'espectacle a l'era de les xarxes
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This paper analyzes the adaptation of the design culture to the americanization of western society; this phenomenon is studied with a special attention to the effects of the growth of the network society ( ie, in the process of global communication developed for digital technology) on the public realm of mass culture.
Our study examines both the changes of the architectural expression and the deficiency of the critical method that has described it.
As this is an unprecedented study that embraces the phenomenon not only in comparison with the past twenty years, but also in its evolution during the twentieth century, it was necessary to review the most important nodal moments, especially since the First World War and the shift of the econòmic center of gravity towards the United States; a kind of counter story.
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