"Derecho, poder y libertad" a propósito de las batallas por la autonomía jurisdiccional entre las Audiencias del Cusco y Charcas (1820-1825)
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As of 1820 and after the invasion of San Martin, the Peruvian judicial system had to adapt to the de facto disappearance of the High Court of Lima, as well as to the model that had been designed by the Constitution of 1812 and the Magistrate and High Court Code of 9 October, 1812. This paper analyzes said process and the ensuing tension resulting from the High Courts of Cusco and Charcas having to solve procedural problems, but paying special attention to the debates and actors, especially lawyers, that constituted the Hispanic judicial culture during the Three-Y ear Liberal Period in the viceroyship of Peru, supposing that said reality extended to the national construction of Peru and Bolivia