Hidden drivers of low-dose pharmaceutical pollutant mixtures revealed by the novel GSA-QHTS screening method
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The ecological impacts of emerging pollutants such as pharmaceuticals are not well understood. The lack of experimental
approaches for the identification of pollutant effects in realistic settings (that is, low doses, complex mixtures,
and variable environmental conditions) supports the widespread perception that these effects are often unpredictable.
To address this, we developed a novel screening method (GSA-QHTS) that couples the computational
power of global sensitivity analysis (GSA) with the experimental efficiency of quantitative high-throughput screening
(QHTS). We present a case study where GSA-QHTS allowed for the identification of the main pharmaceutical pollutants
(and their interactions), driving biological effects of low-dose complex mixtures at the microbial population level. The
QHTS experiments involved the integrated analysis of nearly 2700 observations from an array of 180 unique low-dose
mixtures, representing the most complex and data-rich experimental mixture effect assessment of main pharmaceutical
pollutants to date. An ecological scaling-up experiment confirmed that this subset of pollutants also affects typical
freshwater microbial community assemblages. Contrary to our expectations and challenging established scientific
opinion, the bioactivity of the mixtures was not predicted by the null mixture models, and the main drivers that were
identified by GSA-QHTS were overlooked by the current effect assessment scheme. Our results suggest that current
chemical effect assessment methods overlook a substantial number of ecologically dangerous chemical pollutants
and introduce a new operational framework for their systematic identification