Understanding C-H oxidation and amination reactions performed by late first-row transition metals: trapping high-valent metal-O/N species

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The transformation of C-H bonds into C-O/N bonds is a process of interest in organic synthesis, but controlling the reactivity and selectivity among the multiple C-H bonds existing in most molecules is a challenging task. Traditional methodologies usually rely on the use of stoichiometric reagents that generate important amounts of toxic waste and relatively harsh reaction conditions are required. An alternative to these traditional methods is the use of catalysts, which enable the performance of these transformations under mild conditions, with improved selectivities and using less hazardous reagents. However, finding good catalysts inevitably means that intimate details about the reaction mechanism need to be unraveled. One key issue to further develop more effective catalysts is to understand the mechanism. Thus, this doctoral dissertation is focused on obtaining mechanistic insight into these transformations by trapping the active species that is the high-valent metal-oxygen/nitrogen species based on late first-row transition metals ​
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