El argumento vertebrador del Sentimiento Trágico de la Vida, de Miguel de Unamuno = The central argument of Miguel de Unamuno’s The Tragic Sense of Life
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In his The Tragic Sense of Life, Miguel de Unamuno argues that we need to believe in God and that this necessity is enough in order to justify that we adopt the religious belief. The aim of this paper is to reconstruct and analyze Miguel de Unamuno’s argument, which is, without any doubt, the guideline of The Tragic Sense of Life. In this paper, I will argue: first, that the argument cannot be used in order to justify our adoption of the religious belief; second, that the argument seems to be more convincing if it is read in terms of desire and not in terms of necessity; third, that in both cases, the desire-reading and the necessity-reading, what the argument really shows is that there is a conflict between our desire to, or our need to, believe, on the one hand, and our lack of epistemic lawfulness for adopting the religious belief, on the other hand