Anàlisi del potencial de mercat de la carn procedent de porcs mascles sencers com a alternativa a la castració quirúrgica

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Surgical castration of piglets is a common practice in farms to avoid boar taint (androstenone and skatole) in meat, and to improve its sensory quality. The European Commission is planning to ban surgical castration by 2018 for animal welfare purposes. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the effect that a possible banning of castration would have on the Spanish pig sector. Three studies were performed: study the prevalence of boar taint in different Spanish regions; study the stakeholder’s opinion regarding the possible banning of castration; study different masking strategies for androstenone. The results showed that one out of ten entire male pigs may present high levels of boar taint, banning castration would be a problem for high quality production but not for conventional production, and breaded with garlic and parsley and fried and vacuum cooking may be useful to mask androstenone in meat. ​
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