Le système touristique comme un facteur de développement local dans les moyennes villes à travers des attractifs: le cas de Fafe au Portugal
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In this thesis carried through the Doctorate Programm about Tourism from the University of Girona, we decided to investigate whether the tourism system could be considered as a factor in local development in medium-sized cities, through all that attractive there may exist, especially in the city of Fafe, in Portugal.
So we study the local development, knowing that it is the result of an effort that aims to identify, recognize and develop local resources, to explore and develop potential, vocations, opportunities, benefits comparative and competitive in each territory. Given that tourism is a very important sector for the Portuguese economy, there was a need to create a plan in 2006 designated “National Tourism Strategic Plan (PENT)” and later, in 2013, a final reformulation of the “PENT” which had as main objective to combat seasonality in Portugal, then hear spoke of the “PORTUGAL 2020” which was created in accordance with the program “EUROPE 2020” and, regarding the northern region of Portugal, which frames our case study, the “Coordination and Development Commission Regional North (CCDR-N)” created the “NORTE 2020” program. These programs have assisted to promote the development of tourism for the Portuguese national economy and, consequently, to the northern region of Portugal, where the city of Fafe is considered a medium-sized city.
We managed, through the realization of this thesis, verify that the tourism system can certainly be considered a factor in local development in medium-sized cities across attractive that exist there. However, regarding the city of Fafe, we know, through our investigation, that the tourism system can be considered as a factor for local development only if the Mayor of the city meets with all local tourist agents, of the private sector and public sector to create a tourism policy to design the development of tourism in the city and it can ensure that local actors feel more useful, being more participatory in the promotion of existing attractive in this city and in the initiatives that they can have for the development of this sector to contribute to an active form for local development and the local economy.
Thus, it is important to see that we were able to achieve these results through search methods as is the case of the interview, survey and requests for information made to the tourism officials of public sector and local agents of the private sector, which also allowed us to make a SWOT analysis about the city of Fafe and that was very important for the qualitative realization of the results of our investigation
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