Creencias de los futuros maestros sobre la aptitud matemática: consideraciones para promover procesos de cambio en la formación inicial = Pre-service Teachers’ Beliefs about Mathematics Aptitude: considerations to Promote Change Processes in Initial Training
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In studies about the affective domain in Mathematics education, several authors have shown that pre-service teachers' beliefs have a significant influence on their classroom practices and, therefore, on the mathematics learning of their students. From this point, this article analyzes the pre-service teachers' beliefs on mathematical ability from 142 Childhood Education and Primary Education students who have indicated through a questionnaire, the factors that they believe influence the most to be a good student in mathematics. The results show that pre-service teachers give more importance to cognitive factors (51.1%), secondly, they consider the attitudinal factors (27.7%), and at last the procedural factors (21.1%). These results suggest that, in the context of initial training, as part of didactic knowledge, beliefs that lead to negative professional identity should be analyzed in order to identify and promote change processes