Diagnóstico y pronóstico de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero de la provincia de Matanzas

Alemán García, Mercedes
A detailed inventory of GHG based on the year 2002 was developed as part of the initial diagnosis of the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the Province of Matanzas. This inventory was the first of provincial level realized in Cuba with recent data. The methodology used for estimating emissions was recommended in the Revised Guidelines of 1996 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Software Workbook Inventory Greenhouse Gas was used for calculations. The information used was obtained from provincial institutions and emission factors were provided by the IPCC Guidelines and the National Inventories made for the years 1990, 1994 and 1996. From the identification of the main emission and receiver GHGs sources in the province with detailed inventory 2002, and to complete the diagnosis, a new Provincial GHG inventory in 2004 was made, considering only the major emitters and receivers. Variations between both inventories and trend observed in that period were compared, and from analysis of provincial and national statistics, the prognosis of the situation in the Province for 2010 is made according current trends. Various options for mitigation of emissions were analyzed and measures that can be applied in the territory to improve the provincial balance were proposed. For the mitigations analysis the GEMIS software was used in version 4.1 ​
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