Networking Innovation for Added Value Networking Alliances (NIR-VANA). Deliverable 1.1. Study report to characterise the target groups in relation to the project topics: SMEs and innovation advisors
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The key goal of the NIR-VANA project is to develop an ICT-based layer that will facilitate the
work of the innovation agents and will also promote a change of mentality of the SMEs. Some
services will be provided online using a new Networking and Innovation Room (NIR) where
the innovation agents and the SMEs interact to facilitate partnerships. These services will allow
direct and ongoing support provided by the innovation agents to the SMEs, links to other
external services (orchestration logic), increased efficiency for the management and monitoring
of the collaboration, and services aimed at encouraging SME’s involvement. One key aspect of
these services is, that they provide a process for building new partnerships and collaborating.
This process should greatly benefit SMEs as well as innovation advisors and agencies.
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