Vegetative and reproductive morphology of Gloiocladia repens (C. Agardh) Sánchez et Rodríguez-Prieto comb. nov. (Rhodymeniales, Rhodophyta), with a taxonomic re-assessment of the genera Fauchea and Gloiocladia

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A morphological and molecular study of Fauchea repens, the type species of Fauchea, (Faucheaceae, Rhodymeniales) and its comparison with Gloiocladia furcata, the type species of Gloiocladia, establishes that the two are closely related and belong in the same genus. Accordingly, we propose a new combination, Gloiocladia repens (C. Agardh) Sánchez et Rodríguez-Prieto, comb. nov., for the plant presently known as Fauchea repens (C. Agardh) Montagne et Bory in Montagne and designate a lectotype. We provide an emended description of the genus Gloiocladia, and transfer all the species presently placed in Fauchea to Gloiocladia ​
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