Creixement recuperador postnatal secundari a restricció de pes prenatal en rates Wistar: canvis moleculars en l'expressió dels gens STK11, DLK1 i SIRT1 en els teixits adipós, hepàtic muscular i placentari
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Both the prenatal and postnatal environment have a profound impact on the risk for adult diseases. A model of catch-up growth following fetal growth restriction was set in Wistar rats to study changes in the gene expression of energetic metabolism–related genes. Excessive adipose tissue accumulation and hypertrophy, decreased circulating adiponectin and triglycerides levels, higher HOMA-IR values and reduced expression of STK11, DLK1 and SIRT1 genes in retroperitoneal adipose, hepatic and muscular tissues were observed in pups with catch-up growth at postnatal day 42, that is related to visceral fat accumulation and insulin resistance. In conclusion, catch-up growth following prenatal growth restriction leads to changes in STK11, DLK1 and SIRT1 gene expression. These genes could be new therapeutic targets for early prevention on fetal programming of metabolic disorders in adulthood.
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