Ecophysiology and philogeny of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii in healthy and diseased gut. Application in Inflamatory Bowel Disease diagnostics
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In this PhD thesis Faecalibacterium prausnitzii populations of patients with gut disease and healthy individuals have been characterized.
First, isolates from healthy volunteers have been phenotypically characterised, which has allowed to gain insight into the physiology of this species. A possible link between F. prausnitzii sensitivity to changes in gut physicochemical conditions and its disappearance in a diseased gut has been revealed.
Second, molecular studies on F. prausnitzii populations have allowed to define two phylogroups within this species, and to describe the diversity of phylotypes in healthy individuals and in patients with intestinal disease. The phylotypes specifically compromised in patients suffering some gut disorders have been identified.
Finally, new molecular tools for the detection and quantification of this species and its phylogroups have been designed. Their usefulness to be implemented as complementary molecular tools for the diagnosis and prognosis of intestinal diseases has been determined.
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