Semantic approaches to the study of denominal parasynthetic verbs in Spanish
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This paper puts forward an analysis of Spanish denominal parasynthetic
verbs based on the assumption that these formations express an event of change (either
of state or of location), and that their meaning depends on three elements: the
type of noun they incorporate, the directionality encoded by the prefix, and the kind
of internal argument they select. In order to carry out such an analysis, two semantic
theories of lexical decomposition have been used: Jackendoff’s (1983, 1990) model
of Conceptual Semantics and Pustejovsky’s (1995) theory of the Generative Lexicon.
The first model allows us to classify the verbs under study from the standpoint of their
lexical-conceptual structure, which makes evident the structural parallelisms existing
in their meaning. On the other hand, the model developed by Pustejovsky gives us the
opportunity to explore some additional aspects related to the compositional meaning
of these formations, enabling us to demonstrate the relevance of the internal argument
in relation to the (regular and irregular) polysemy of these constructions
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