Revisão do modelo Integrado técnicotático de ensino compreensivo do desporto: uma proposta teórica

The Integrated Technical-Tactical Model for sport teaching emerges at the end of the 90's decade of the last century. It was set after López-Ros and Castejón (1998a, b) present the base concepts and their practical applications. The initial proposal was subsequently revised and updated, developing and clarifying specific aspects of the model (López-Ros & Castejón, 2005). The Integrated Technical-Tactical Model appears though the influence of the tactical and comprehensive models, focused on sports with simultaneous collaboration and opposition, developed in different European countries (e.g., Bayer, 1986; Bunker & Thorpe, 1982; Mahlo, 1969); and also due to the lack of scientific evidences to justify the initiation of these sports from a tactical or a technical approach (e.g., Rink, French, & Tjeerdsma, 1996). This model assumes the constructive perspective of teaching-learning and it is characterized by:a) to teach technique and tactic simultaneously and in context. Thus, to teach tactics the technical requirement should be reduced and vice versa. b) To apply the learned skills in simplify game situations, allowing the incorporation of the knowledge in more complex scenarios ​
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