Diferencias tipológicas y adquisición de segundas lenguas II: las construcciones atributivas, locativas, existenciales y posesivas
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The main aim of this article is to analyse the way in which the acquisition of attributive, locative, existential and possessive constructions is influenced by typological differences, and which role plays in this process the general strategies of simplification proposed to explain some omissions of the copulative forms. The data analysed come from a transversal study in which students of Catalan and Spanish, whose first languages are Moroccan Arabic, Chinese or Romanian, have been interviewed. It has been observed from the data collected that learners from a lower level in any of the three groups produce a higher number of verb omissions than the ones from a more advanced level, independently of whether or not there is a copulative form in those particular constructions in their first language. Nonetheless, the differences between the characteristics of the production of each group in more advanced stages can only be explained through the properties of the first language, both those related to the constructions analysed and those connected to the type of verbal
inflection. Other factors that can have an influence on that process have also been detected, mainly some special characteristics of the second languages, the differences between Catalan and Spanish in some constructions (all learners are exposed to both languages), and the relationships and the sometimes unclear limits between the four types of structures in all languages
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