Diferencias tipológicas y adquisición de segundas lenguas I: flexión verbal y orden sintáctico
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The main goals of this paper are, first, to show that universals on second language acquisition are not sufficient to account for some of the differences found in the data
produced by learners of different languages. Instead, the data can only be explained by taking into consideration the typological differences between the languages involved in the process, both the L1 and the L2. Secondly, we will show that not all these differences generate problems of the same kind and persistence. Finally, we will see that some problems that at first glance could seem to be related to a particular grammatical component should in fact be analyzed from another component.
First, we will analyze the results of a transversal study based on the analysis of the verbal inflection errors produced by adult Chinese and Romanian learners of Catalan and Spanish. Secondly, we will present the data on the syntactic word order problems in three groups of speakers (Chinese, Romanian and Punjabi). We will conclude that although the L1 influence is clear in all the cases, it is stronger in the acquisition of the verbal inflection than in the syntactic word order
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