La transició de joves amb discapacitat intel·lectual a la vida adulta: una mirada actual des de l'òptica de la Convenció sobre els Drets de les Persones amb Discapacitat

Despite the theoretical advances developed from international research in recent decades, the transition process to adulthood for young people with intellectual disabilities is still one of the most complex periods in their lives. The enactment of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations, 2006), which emphasises the person as a subject of rights, highlights the transition process as a key moment in which it is necessary to strengthen the bases that will allow to advance in a series of rights linked to the social inclusion: lifelong learning, work, independent life, community participation, among others. This article reviews the transition process to adult life from the perspective of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (United Nations, 2006) and analyses the potential of a specific tool (Taxonomy 2.0, by Kohler, Gothberg, Fowler i Coyle, 2016) for the design, application, and evaluation of good transition practices ​
​Tots els drets reservats. Reproduït amb autorització de l'editor, Grup d'investigació en Educació especial (GIEE)