El rol dels centres educatius en la detecció de la violència masclista que els nens i les nenes pateixen a casa: què hi diu el professorat? = El rol de los centros educativos en la detección de la violencia machista que los niños y las niñas sufren en casa: ¿qué opina el profesorado al respecto? = The role of schools in detecting gender violence suffered by children in their homes: what do their teachers say?

The research project "SomAquí!"/"WeAreHere!" approaches the problem of gender violence from children's perspective with the aim of contributing towards early detection of this type of violence from the school environment. In the first phase, six groups of experts were set up, formed by children and adolescents, who accompanied the research team over the course of the research. With these groups, the questionnaires were designed that were subsequently answered by 3,650 boys and girls studying in Year 5 to Year 11, inclusive, from among a total of 106 schools in Catalonia. In the second phase, the results of which are presented in this article, the aim was to gain an idea of the opinions of school management, teachers and other members of the education teams of these 106 schools. A total of 322 responses were collected from 86 schools, necessary to be able to listen to their voices and so that, in a third phase, it would be possible to prepare a consensus-based model for the early detection of violence applicable to the school context. The results presented in this article describe the way schools deal with gender violence, the obstacles perceived by teaching staff in detecting cases, and the role that schools and teaching staff do and should play in order to help those children who are suffering gender violence situations in their homes ​
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