Nivells de vida, dinàmiques socials i canvi històric. L'àrea de Besalú, 1750-1850

Serramontmany, Albert
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This thesis researches the rural uplands district of Besalú from 1750 to 1850. The thesis emphasizes how Besalú area achieved a high level of population in spite of apparent limitations in agriculture through the integration of diverse economic activities and also through effective trade connexions at the national and international levels. The studied region can be said to have the following general evolution: growth in the eighteenth century and stagnation in the first half of the nineteenth century. Even then we find that, in spite of significant social inequality, there are almost never examples of people living in extreme poverty or of individuals who suffer processes of proletarianization, although there are also few examples of enrichment processes that would led us to think about the existence of a large middle class. On the contrary, the strengthening of a few rural landowners stands out. ​
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