La vulnerabilitat del comerç de la ciutat de Girona a les inundacions del riu Onyar

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This paper analyzes the vulnerability of commercial establishments in the city of Girona to potential floods caused by the River Onyar. We identified all the shops located on the ground floor within the flood areas with return periods of 25 and 50 years. Each of the 568 shops finally included in the study were given a questionnaire. The data obtained were analyzed using a multivariate statistical approach that made it possible to determine five different flood vulnerability profiles for the commercial establishments studied. We then determined the level of vulnerability and risk for each establishment and also for each of the five profiles mentioned above. The results were mapped in order to analyze their distribution in space. The study shows a scenario that is not optimistic, characterized by both a poor perception of the real risk of floods, due to fading historical memory, and a precarious adaptation to the risk ​
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