Laccase-based biosensors for detection of phenolic compounds

Monitoring of phenolic compounds in the food industry and for environmental and medical applications has become more relevant in recent years. Conventional methods for detection and quantification of these compounds, such as spectrophotometry and chromatography, are time consuming and expensive. However, laccase biosensors represent a fast method for on-line and in situ monitoring of these compounds. We discuss the main transduction principles. We divide the electrochemical principle into amperometric, voltammetric, potentiometric and conductometric sensors. We divide optical transducers into fluorescence and absorption. The amperometric transducer method is the most widely studied and used for laccase biosensors. Optical biosensors present higher sensitivity than the other biosensors. Laccase production is dominated by a few fungus genera: Trametes, Aspergillus, and Ganoderma. We present an overview of laccase biosensors used for the determination of phenolic compounds in industrial applications ​
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