First report of pyrethroid bioaccumulation in wild river fish: A case study in Iberian river basins (Spain)

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For the first time, this work described pyrethroid bioaccumulation in edible river fish samples. We analyzed 42 whole fish samples collected in 4 different Iberian rivers. All samples were positive to these insecticides. Levels of concentration ranged from 12 to 4938ngg-1 lipid weight (lw). Moreover, isomeric characterization was carried out. Our results remarked a general preference of cis isomers in bioaccumulation. Finally, the enantiomeric evaluation showed that there was an enantioselective bioaccumulation of some pyrethroids, depending on the studied species. Pyrethroid concentrations were compared with levels obtained for other common pollutants, such as flame retardants, personal care products, hormones and pharmaceuticals. The highest values corresponded to pyrethroid insecticides, even though, pyrethroid levels are safe for human consumption taken into account the current regulations ​
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