La façana gòtica de la catedral de Girona

Freixas i Camps, Pere
Sagrera i Aradilla, Jordi
Sureda Jubany, Marc
The Cathedral of Girona is worldwide known due to its gothic single nave, the widest in the world in its style (about 23 m wide). Nowadays the building shows an impressive baroque façade, but obviously before the 18th century other structures acted as west end of the magnificent gothic church. The aim of this paper is to draw the state of this closing structures during the first half of 16th century. The identification of such structures is today possible due to two exceptional sources: a table painted by Pere Mates circa 1543-1550 (Museu d’Art de Girona) and a processus hold by several members of the Cathedral staff in 1512-1513, concerning the state of the architectural works at that moment (Arxiu Capitular de Girona). The documentary source allows a very accurated interpretation of what appears on the pictorical one, and thus can lead to a clare vision of the state of the church in the middle of the 16th century. A situation that might have been permanent if the Cathedral Chapter and Bishop had not decided, from the second half of the same century on, the progression of the building works and the accomplishment of the 14th century single gothic nave project with a baroque façade ​
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