La capitalización educativa de los fondos de conocimiento e identidad de estudiantes y familias de origen extranjero: el proyecto Girona

The funds of knowledge educational project emerged in Tucson (Arizona, USA) in studies that documented the resources of working-class, Latin American families, in order to counter the deficit perspectives common in depictions of these and other low-income families. The primary purpose of funds of knowledge approach is to develop innovations in teaching that draw upon the knowledge and skills found in local households. To accomplish this goal, teachers visit families in order to understand households qualitatively and then organize classroom instruction by capitalizing on household and other community resources. The purpose of this paper is to summarize a particular application of this educational approach conducted in Catalonia, Spain. The Girona’s project is characterized by the usage of multi-methodology approach and the incorporation of students’ funds of identity, to complement the analysis of families’ funds of knowledge. In particular, this approach is developed in ten schools near to Girona ​
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